Q: How much of the money raised goes to Gold Rush Elementary?
A: 100% minus any payment fees we incur.
Q: Where did the items come from?
A: Generous businesses and individuals donated them, and some were bought at a discount.
Q: When does the bidding close?
A: 5 pm on Wednesday, October 4th.
Q: What happens if I win one or more items?
A: Winning bidders will be notified by email that they have won and will be given instructions on how to pay for their item(s) using either MySchoolBucks or cash/check at the Western Night.
Q: Where will I pick up my item(s)?
A: At Gold Rush, either at Western Night on Friday, October 6th, or in the school office if you cannot attend Western Night.
Q: How will I know if someone outbid me?
A: You will need to check back on the item page and refresh the screen to see the latest bids.
Q: What happens if someone puts in a bid after the 5pm October 4th deadline?
A: Only bids above the minimum bid amount and posted before the deadline are valid.
Q: The system allows me to put in a bid below other bids. What will happen if I do?
A: The highest bid posted before the deadline is who will win the item and be responsible for payment.
Q: Will my information be shared?
A: Only your first name and the bid amount and date are shared publicly.
Q: What happens if I place my bid but it does not show up on the item page?
A: That means your bid did not go through, please resubmit your same bid on the item page.